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1st Sign Language Store in the US: Starbucks in Washington DC

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WASHINGTON D.C. — First sign language store in the United States opened in Washington DC by Starbucks. The store is said to honor the deaf culture.


You can find the store near Gallaudet University, a private school for the deaf and people with hard hearing.


The renovation created for a unique experience for deaf customers, with artwork and merchandise made by deaf artists and locals which graduated from Gallaudet.


“This store is dedicated to people united by sign language and deaf culture,” that’s what the sign reads on the front desk of the store.


Earlier this year, Starbuck announced that the store will open employment opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing people. And now, it has already hired over 20 deaf, hard of hearing and hearing employees across the country to work at the newly-opened store. In addition, all partners are fluent in American sign language.


Howard A. Rosenblum who is the founder of the National Association of the Deaf mentioned about Starbucks taking an innovative approach to incorporate deaf culture that will increase employment opportunities as well as capabilities for deaf and hard of hearing people.


According to Starbucks, it’s first deaf-friendly store opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2016.


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