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5 Children and 6 Adults Rescued from Building Fire in Northwest Washington DC

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WASHINGTON D.C. — Six adults and five of their children were forced to leave their homes after a building fire at 2 neighboring buildings in Northwest DC this week. While the evacuation was dramatic, the damage could have been much worse.

The Fire Department of Washington D.C. and EMS said that there were no injuries in the fire. The fire occurred in the 1300 block of North Capitol Street. It is about 2 blocks north of the intersection of New York Avenue and North Capitol in the Truxton Circle neighborhood.

The Building Fire Could Have Spread Throughout Washington DC

The firefighters responded to the scene at about 12 a.m. on Monday. When the fire crews arrived, they found a a distressing scene. Heavy fire on the roof decks of two four-story dwellings was threatening to spread to neighboring buildings.

The crews of firefighters were capable of confining the blaze to the roof decks and other rooftop storage structures. They therefore prevented the fire from moving downward and causing more destruction. They also evacuated 11 people, none of whom had any major injuries.

The cause of the fire is under investigation at this moment, as there is no immediate information about the start of the fire. However, officials are working on the case and will release more information later as it becomes available.

If you have any additional information about the case and want to share it with authorities, you can contact the Washington D.C. Fire Department at (202) 673-3214. You can find many other ways to contact the department on their website.

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